Alocasia Zebrina Drooping

Alocasia Zebrina Drooping (6 Causes and How to Fix it)

Many factors lead to an Alocasia Zebrina drooping. However, people focus more on overwatering and underwatering.

The primary reason Alocasia Zebrina is drooping could be overwatering or underwatering. Other causes are temperature stress, Improper light, Low humidity, lack of nutrients, pests, etc. Correcting these problems often leads to your plant recovering from drooping.

Alocasia is a heart-shaped leaves plant with beautiful well-patterned stems and green leaves that add beauty to the scenery.

Alocasia is one plant that houseplant keepers worldwide ensure they have in their collection. Because of its esthetic addition to the home.

Alocasia Zebrina is a native of the Philippines jungles; they owe their beauty to the warmth, bright light, and wet conditions. The plant is very selective for its requirements, but it can adapt to different environmental needs, facilitating widespread worldwide.

Alocasia zebrina is a sensitive and complex plant to take care of, as they require you to keep an eye on them on a regular base. You can prevent Alocasia drooping if you are attentive to its need.

Here, I will cover all the aspects regarding Alocasia Zebrina’s drooping. The possible cause and how you can revive a droopy Alocasia plant.

Why is My Alocasia Zebrina Drooping?

As a houseplants lover, I have to say that Alocasia Zebrina is attention seeking plant. It is fussy and needs more care and attention than most houseplants.

When you see your Alocasia Zabrina drooping, you know that there is a problem, and your plant is experiencing one difficulty. To help explain better the causes of Alocasia drooping, here are some common culprits.

  • Overwatering
  • Underwatering
  • Insufficient light
  • Low humidity
  • Temperature stress
  • Nutrients Deficiency
  • Plant Dormancy
  • Pest infestation

Let us discuss all of these problems and their possible solution.


Overwatering is a common factor that affects plants, but not many people consider it. They believe that under-watering has more devastating effects on their plant and neglects overwatering.

The truth is overwatering causes more severe harm to plants. Overwatering means that your plant soil cannot drain properly, and the earth remains soggy and waterlogged for a prolonged time.

It results in the airspace being occupied by water, preventing normal air circulation within the soil needed for the survival of the roots.

The roots need air to respire and function properly. Without a steady supply of air due to the prolonged soggy conditions, it can lead to the roots dying or getting opportunistic infections.

Overwatering Alocasia zebrina can result in root rots. The lack of oxygen due to the waterlogged soil leads to the plants’ roots dying.

It becomes difficult for plants to absorb water and nutrients, resulting in Alocasia leaves drooping.

How to Know Your Alocasia’s Drooping Is Caused by Overwatering?

If you suspect that your Alocasia Zebrina’s drooping is caused by overwatering, these are some symptoms to look out for.

  • Watch Out for Prolong Wet Soil – If your Alocasia Zebrina’s soil remains wet after days of watering, then your plant is at high risk of overwatering, resulting in drooping and Alocasia Zebrina leaves curling.
  • Your Alocasia Leaf Turning Yellowing – Sometimes, when your plant is at risk of overwatering, you start seeing the leaves turn yellow, starting with the lower leaves, before spreading to all other parts. Read more on the causes of yellow leaves on houseplants like Caladium.
  • Plant Is Affected by Wet Brown Spots – A water-logged soil prevents the free flow of air in the soil and starves the root oxygen. Due to lack of oxygen, the roots suffer, die, and create chances for bacterial leaf spot disease to strike.
  • Root Rots – a soggy soil ultimately will lead to root rot if not averted. The rots of the Alocasia roots generate smell because of rotting plant tissue. Therefore, keep your nose closer to your plant’s base to see if you can smell rotting roots.

How to Fix Alocasia Zebrina Drooping Caused by Overwatering

  • If you suspect poorly draining soil, ensure to re-pot your plant and use good Soil mix for planting Alocasia. A good draining soil will help reduce the problem of overwatering.
  • Ensure better aeration for the plant by adding mixed perlite to your potting soil.
  • Try not to water the plants except if needed, especially during winter and autumn.
  • Only water the soil when the top two-inch layer of the earth is dry.
  • Alocasia planted in pots and containers must have enough openings and holes around them for quick drainage after watering.

Fixing plant drooping due to overwatering should be done quickly, as a prolonged delay may cause your root to rot. You can read on under-watered and overwatered houseplant here.


One of the reasons you see Alocasia Zebrina droops is because of drought. Underwatering comes to play when your plant does not have the required measure of water they need for survival.

When your Alocasia suffers underwater for so long, you will see Alocasia Zebrina stem bending or the leaves drooping, turning pale, and finally dying due to drought.

Signs of Drooping Caused by underwatering in Alocasia Plants

Alocasia Zebrina drooping caused by underwatering can be easily seen and fixed. Here is a sign that leads to under-watering in Alocasia plants.

  • Too much direct sunlight – When you keep the Alocasia plant directly straight under the sun without providing an opportunistic shade. The water evaporates from the soil and dries it.
  • Prolong Watering interval – When you neglect your plants for a long time without watering them as when due.
  • Less humidity – When they are low humidity around the plant. It causes the plants to transpire to keep the air damp, leading to quick soil drying.
  • Brown, Crispy Leaf Appearance – You can see brownish crispy leaf tips in some plants. It is due to an extreme lack of water reaching the edges of the plant’s vegetation.

How to Solve Alocasia Plant Drooping Due to Underwatering

To help your plant’s drooping problems, look for those factors that are contributing to underwatering. Here are some factors you can consider.

  • Provide Shade – Try to move your plant to a little shady environment. It helps prevent direct contact with sunlight that causes excessive evaporation of water.
  • Increase Humidity for Alocasia Zebrina – Providing humidity for your plant will help keep it hydrated.
  • Mulching Can Help – Make sure your pot has rock mulch to help the plant retain moisture.
  • Check at the interval – You need to check the soil of Alocasia regularly for dryness.

Low Humidity

Alocasia Zebrina is a humidity-loving plant. But, they can grow in areas with low humidity too. Their optimum preferred levels are above 60% or 70%.

The drooping, bending of stems, or brown color at the tip of Alocasia foliage could be a symptom of low humidity.

Thus, if your Alocasia plants do not have the required amount of humidity, they have yellow leaves.

Suppose the humid conditions of your plants are below average. You can step it up by grouping the plants with other tropical plants.

How Do You Fix Droopy Alocasia caused by Low Humidity?

  • Creating surroundings with high humidity is the easiest solution to this problem. Alocasia is a native of the tropics and grows in a habitat with more humidity.
  • To correct the drooping of leaves, use a humidifier all over the place to keep the moisture levels high.
  • You can grow your plants in groups to increase the humidity around them. The transpiration from the plants increases the moist content around your houseplants.
  • Using a pebble tray can help to increase moisture around a plant, but this method is not as effective as the humidifier.

Nutrients Deficiency

A lack of nutrients can cause Alocasia plants to droop. A young and growing Alocasia Zebrina needs warm conditions and feeding to help them bloom with bigger leaves.

Please don’t rush the feeding pattern once you suspect a drop in nutrient levels. Please take it in phases to prevent shocks that may arise.

Before using fertilizers on your plant, you have to work out a feeding plan. But if you have used fertilizers, continue with your schedule but step up the quantity a little.

Monitor the leaves carefully for weeks after you have applied fertilizers. If you do not see any notable changes, go back to the former feeding plan and check other factors in this post.

If you notice an improvement, however, continue with the correct dosage. Do not keep increasing if you don’t see any improvement.

How to Fix Nutrient Deficiency

  • Plant food is essential to all plants, even Alocasia Zebrina. You need to feed your plant with Liquid fertilizer high in nitrogen to encourage leaf growth.
  • Your plant needs a two-week feeding basis in summer and is reduced to once a month in the fall.

Pest Attack

Alocasia plants could easily be affected by common pests like aphids, spider mites, and scales. The big, juicy, and soft leaves make attracting pests easier, so you must check your pant at intervals.

When A pest infests alocasia Zebrina, you will see the leaves droop and turn yellow as the pest suck out life from them.

If you see tiny white spots or small webs gathered close to the dormant veins of the leaves, they could be signs that the plant has gotten infested.

When you see a few bugs around the leaves, use a dab of isopropyl to kill their bugs. Insecticidal soap could come in handy as it is generally potent.

Solutions to Alocasia Pest and Disease Attack

  • Separate and quarantine affected Alocasia from the rest of your plants.
  • Examine the nearby plants to help stop any spread of disease.
  • If the whole plant is not affected by the infection, cut out the healthy parts and re-pot in a new sterile pot using a new potting soil.
  • Spray fungicides on the affected plant to kill all contaminants before disposing of them.

Temperature Stress

Alocasia Zebrina is a tropical plant native to Asia. These plants have no easiness with low temperatures.

Alocasia drooping and yellowing of leaves could indicate that your plants need a warmer location. Alocasia excels in warm conditions, and they do well in temperature ranges of 66.2°F and 84.2°F.

A fall in temperature below 55.4 degrees Fahrenheit will cause your Alocasia to droop. A further fall in temperature can lead to the death of your plants.

Ensure you provide more heat for your plant. If your indoor temperature is way too cool – You can use a heating pad to heat the roots of plants to keep the roots warmer than the room temperature.

How to Fix Alocasia Zebrina Drooping Caused by Temperature Stress?

  • Bring outdoors Alocasia in – During the low-temperature night, you have to bring in potted plants indoors at night and keep them back outside during the daytime.
  • Cover your Alocasia – For Alocasia Zebrina planted in the garden, cover the plants with a plastic sheet to retain heat at night.
  • Please maintain high humidity around the plants. You can do so by using a humidifier and pebble trays.

Insufficient Light

An appropriate amount of light is needed for Alocasia Zebrina to function effectively. When light exposure is not enough, Alocasia plants are bound to droop and have pale-yellowish color.

Alocasia is a shade-loving plant, and it won’t be wise to leave them under the midday sun without providing shades for them.

When kept as indoor plants, you should place them close to a bright window and ensure to protect them from intense direct sunlight.

A Change in seasons could be a factor that Alocasia to droops. An Alocasia plant that usually blooms near a bright window could have issues as the autumn light dwindles. If you notice pale or color changes in your plants, you should move them to a sunnier spot.

Plant Dormancy

Plant Dormancy is a natural cycle in which the plant goes through a period of overgrowth, defoliation, and inactivity.

These incidents are typical, and there is nothing to worry about as the plant will regain its growth after everything.

Dormancy is generally caused by exposure to low light and temperatures, and most Alocasia planted indoors will experience it at some point.

You will see more of Alocasia dormancy happening in the winter, leading to Alocasia Zebrina drooping.

For indoor plants, dormancy can be prevented when you maintain consistent temperatures and lighting round the clock, and your Alocasia may never go into dormancy.

However, if your Alocasia Zebrina appears to be in the dormancy stage, reduce your watering and ensure to provide adequate light and warmth until new growth appears.

Have patience, as dormancy can last a few weeks to six months. Once you’ve determined that dormancy is the source of your plant’s drooping, stay calm and allow the plant to recover to its growth stage.

Last Word

Judging from the above content, you can justify why your Alocasia Zebrina is drooping.

For new gardeners, these can be a learning experience for you. There is nothing to panic about.

You Should know that elephant ear plant leaves drooping and dying is not a death sentence for your plants. Your Alocasia Zebrina drooping can be revived.

You Can Read: Why is my Alocasia Dripping Water



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