How to Make Hoya Grow Faster

How to Make Hoya Grow Faster? 7 Quick Ways to Do It

Hoyas are beautiful plants that add beauty to balconies, they are blissful to eyes and attracts happy feelings in the home.

The plant is a slow to moderate growing plant and takes a long time before blooming. It is a low-maintenance tropical plant native to Southeast Asia and India.

To make Hoya plants grow faster, provide them with optimum temperature (60°F to 70°F), high humidity, bright indirect sunlight and well-drained potting soil. Also, feeding your plant (liquid fertilizer) once in 2-weeks can help your become Hoya plant bushier.

Hoya plant care requires patience, but most of all it needs considerable amount of time to grow to its full potential.

While there are no shortcuts to growing Hoyas, there are some things you can do to help your Hoya leaves get fuller.

How to Make Hoya Bushier?

Hoya plant is really a wonderful plant. They are eye-catching and add beauty to your home and at work place. Hoyas are also known as a wax plant. They are climbers, hardy and can easily be grown indoors.

All you need do is trim them from time to time, especially when they start growing up high on your wall or on furniture in your house.

Therefore, to make your Hoya plant grow with beautiful full leaves, here are what you need do.

The Hoyas need a lot of bright light, not direct sunlight. If you grow them in your living room, then don’t put any blinds there.

The plant needs indirect sunlight in order to grow healthy and strong. The brighter light they get, the bigger the leaves. Keep your plants away from air conditions, cold drafts or heating vents. Remember that it can get damaged if you forget about it for a couple of days.

Be careful when watering your plant. Hoya don’t need frequent watering. Therefore, don’t water them if their soil is still moist and wet. Make sure you wait until the soil gets almost dried out before watering again.

The above watering schedule will probably help your plant bloom during winter and spring. Keep in mind that they don’t need a lot of water.

Apply balanced water-soluble fertilizer once in two weeks to make the plant bushier. Then, switch to a high-phosphorus fertilizer when wants them to produce flowers.

How Fast Does Hoya Plant Grow?

The growth rate of your Hoya plant depends on the species you have. Hoyas species like Hoya bella or Hoya linearis have smaller leaves and they tend to grow much faster.  You will start seeing significant growth between 4 to 6 months’ period.

While the large leaved species takes a much longer time before there is any significant growth. The reason being that it requires more energy and time to grow leaves.

Why is My Hoya Plant Not Growing?

If you own a Hoya plant and you have noticed it is not growing, then you have sought for ways of helping them. There are many reasons why Hoyas grow slowly or are not growing at all.

Here are some of the reasons and ways to fix the problems.

  • Underwatering
  • Overwatering
  • Temperature stress
  • Wrong Potting Soil
  • Low Humidity
  • Improper use of Fertilizer
  • Overexposure to Sunlight
  • Pest and Disease Attack
  • Potting issues


Watering is an important issue when it comes any plant. Plants need a considerable amount of water per time to survive.

Underwatering is the negligent on one part to water their Hoya plant when the soil has dried out. A prolong drought can cause your plant to stop growing and eventually die.

How to Solve Underwatering Issues with Hoya Plants

To revive your underwatered plant and help them grow fast. Here are some factors you should consider.

  • Check Plant Soil – You should regularly check Hoya plant soil at interval for dryness and water appropriately.
  • Provide Shade – Try to relocate your plant to a shadier location. It helps in preventing direct sunlight contact, which causes excessive water evaporation.
  • Increase Humidity– Giving your plant humidity will help it stay hydrated.
  • Mulching– Use rock mulch in your pot to help the plant’s soil retain moisture.


Overwatering is a common problem that affects plants, only few people take note of it. They believe that under-watering is more damaging to their plants than over-watering.

Overwatering can cause severe damage to Hoya plants. Overwatering result to a plant soil not to drain properly, making the earth soggy and waterlogged for an extended period.

It causes water to occupy the airspace, preventing normal air circulation within the soil, required for root survival.

Your Hoya plant may experience root rots if overwatered. The plants’ roots die due to a lack of oxygen caused by waterlogged soil. Making Hoya plant to stop growing.

At this point, the plant’s ability to absorb water and nutrients is compromised, resulting in Hoyas dying.

Signs of Overwatering with Hoya Plant

If you suspect your Hoya plant are not growing due to overwatering, watch out for the following symptoms.

Prolonged Wet Soil – If your Hoya plant’s soil remains wet after several days of watering, your plant is at risk of overwatering, which can cause stunted growth and Hoyas dying.

Wet Brown Spots on the Plant – A waterlogged soil prevents the free flow of air in the ground, depriving the roots of oxygen. Because of a lack of oxygen, the roots suffer, giving room for bacterial leaf spot disease to strike, leading to Hoyas not growing.

Root Rots – Wet soil will eventually lead to root rot if not addressed. Because of decomposing plant tissue, the decays of the plant roots produce a foul odor. To dictate root rots, bring your nose closer to the base of your plant to see whether you can perceive rotten roots.

How to Prevent overwatering in Hoya Plant?

  • If you see your soil isn’t draining well, re-pot your plant and use a well-drained potting soil to stop water logged.
  • Only use pots or containers with appropriate draining holes.
  • Mix perlite into your potting soil to improve aeration for your plants.
  • Water the plants only as necessary, especially in the winter and autumn.
  • Only water the plant when the top two inches of the soil are completely dry.

Wrong Potting Soil

To make Hoya grow faster you need to plant them in the right soil. Potting soil is essential in plant cultivation. Your Hoya plant will not grow if you do not use the appropriate potting soil, which is a lightweight, well-draining soil mix.

To have a successful Hoya Plant you going to need a well well-draining, well-nourished mixture of soil.

The Ideal Potting Soil for Hoya Plant

If you want to make your Hoya plant grow faster and bloom, you need the correct soil type for Hoyas.

The best potting soil mix recipe for Hoya’s planting is two-thirds of potting soil + one-third of perlite + one-third of orchid bark and coarse sand to make the soil mix for better bloom.

There are many mixes you can find around; you can also discover other soil recipes good for Hoya plants. Other soil mixes might work. But, the soil has to be light and coarse materials for air passage and drainage.

Overexposure to Sunlight

Overexposure to sunlight is one of the causes why your Hoya plant is not growing. Hoyas thrives in bright indirect sunlight. But, it suffers immense wilting when placed under direct sunlight.

Hoya plants exposed to direct sunlight for more than 4 to 8 hours per day will begin to die. As time passes, the Hoya leaves start wilting.

When growing Hoya Carnosa or other varieties indoor, indirect sunlight is easier to obtain. It should be placed on a shelf near a window, but not directly in the sun. Here, the plant can receive bright light but not direct sunlight.

Ideal Light Condition for Hoya Plant

A good light condition will help your plant flower and grow appropriately.

  1. Hoya plant can survive in areas with less sunlight than where there is. A room that faces east or west and receives early morning or late afternoon sun is preferable.
  2. Hoya plant can benefit from artificial lighting, especially during the winter season. The right amount of light will make Hoya grow faster and speed up flower blooming.
  3. You can keep the plant close to window with very bright light during winter, but move them away from the scorching sun in summer, to a shade.

Temperature Stress

Hoyas are tropical plants native to South Asian countries, they thrive best in warm climate. These plants are very fussy in low temperatures. In winter, they need areas with warmer temperatures.

If the temperature falls below a specific range, even on a mild day, the flowers will not bloom. Hoya plants do well in temperature ranges of 66.2°F and 84.2°F.

If the temperatures drop below 60°F, flower production reduces. A further fall in temperature can lead to wilting and the death of your plants.

Ensure you provide more heat for your plant. If your indoor temperature is low, you can use a heating system.

How to Prevent Temperature Stress in Hoya Plant?

  • Keep Hoyas at a safe distance from any air conditioning or heating vents.
  • Cold and Heat drafts should be avoided to prevent sudden temperature change.

Low Humidity Level

If your Hoya plant is not growing, it could be that humidity level around your plant is low. If the air around Hoya is too dry, it stops growing and begin to wilt.

Hoya plants are customs to the tropical climate and enjoy high humidity levels around them. So to have a fast growing Hoya plant with heavy blooms, the air around this should be humid.

Your room’s temperature is usually suitable for the plant in the summer. But, in the winter, the air is drier; at this point, you need to provide a humid condition for your plant.

How to Have Higher Humidity Around Hoya Plants

  1. You can spray distilled water on the Hoyas from time to time to keep the leaves moist.
  2. Mist your plant a couple of times a week should help them grow faster. A room misting device keeps the air from drying out.
  3. Investing in a humidifier can help to increase the humidity in the air.
  4. You can grow your plants in groups to increase humidity around them. The transpiration from the plants increases the moist content around your houseplants.
  5. You can use pebble trays to increase humidity of the plant. Half-fill the tray with water and stones, place the plant on top of the pebbles.

Improper Use of Fertilizer

Hoya plant requires nutrients for growth and flowering. If you want your Hoya to grow well, an optimum condition is needed. Adding fertilizer is one way you can provide nutrients for Hoyas to thrive.

Fertilizer high in nitrogen is needed by young Hoya plants. You can feed them with phosphorus and potassium.

High fertilizer usage can lead to the deposition of salts called “fertilizer salt.” The excess gathers on the soil as salts and block the ability of the plant to absorb water. Causing growth hindrance of the plant and  leaves to turn yellow.

Both the overuse and underuse of plant food can stop the growth of your Hoya plant. So extra care is needed when applying fertilizer.

Solutions to Improper Use of Fertilizer

  1. When your plant is facing the problem of fertilizer salts, you can solve it by prolonged watering. This action eliminates the gathered salt and prevents any further accumulation of salts. Before doing this, make sure your plant’s pot has holes for proper drainage.
  2. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer to encourage growth twice a month. But, if you want to promote blooming you use a high-phosphorus fertilizer.
  3. Please don’t rush the feeding pattern once you suspect a drop in nutrient levels. Please take it in phases to prevent shocks that may arise.
  4. Before using fertilizers on your plant, you have to work out a feeding plan. But if you have used fertilizers, continue with your schedule but step up the quantity a little.

Pest and Disease Attack

The Hoya plant is commonly affected by pests and diseases. Pests like aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites are attracted by the plant’s juicy and soft leaves.

If your Hoya plants stop growing it could be it under an attack by pest and disease.

When pests infest Hoya plants, you see the symptoms on the leaves. The leaves will droop, turn yellow, or die due to pests sucking out life from them.

Fungal diseases can also affect Hoya plants. Diseases such as Botrytis blight and powdery mildew thrive in high humidity, heat, and overwatering.

Another disease among young Hoyas is the Black mold; it grows on sticky leaves that have been exposed to plant saps or nectars.

How to Prevent Pest and Disease Attack on Hoya plants?

  • Prune infected leaves having white or gray patches and mold, using sterile pruning shears to stop the spread.
  • You can spray neem oil (Get yours here) on every part of your plant, and it will help prevent the pests’ attack in no time.
  • When you see a few bugs around the leaves, use a dab of isopropyl to kill the bugs.
  • Insecticidal soap could come in handy as it is generally potent.

Potting Issues

A smaller or too big pot/container size can affect your Hoya plant growing process. When repotting people tend keep plant in an extra big container.

It has become common mistake that appears to have harmed many Hoya plants. All Plants need room to thrive. Therefore, creating an appropriate space for your plant is essential.

Hoyas can grow well in Container, plastic, or ceramic pots as long as they have drainage holes. When re-potting, choose a pot that is one size larger (two or three inches larger) than the previous pot.

Repotting should be done from spring to summer when it is actively developing. After repotting, water your plant and keep it in a place there is a good lightening condition.

How to Make Hoya Grow Faster?

To make your Hoya plant grow healthily and Faster. There are things you must do to ensure optimum condition for growth.

From providing good potting soil to watering your plant, providing humid condition and ideal temperature around your plants.

Here are helpful tips plant owners can use to ensure quick growth and flower blooming of their Hoya plant.

  1. Prepare A good potting mix for your Hoya plant.
  2. Adhere to good watering habits.
  3. Keep Hoyas in a well illuminated room (A bright indirect sunlight is ideal).
  4. Ensure to plant your Hoya plant in pots that are neither too small, nor too big.
  5. Provide moist and humid around your plant together with an ideal temperature.
  6. Feed your plant appropriately, a water-soluble fertilizer is ideal
  7. Always check your plants for Insect and control Pests infestation accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions on How to Make Hoya Grow Faster

What’s the Fastest Growing Hoya?

Growing Hoya plats requires patience – they are slowly to moderate growing plants.

Nevertheless, there are varieties that grows much faster than the others. The varieties that are relatively fast growing Hoya plants are Hoya Australis, Hoya bella and Hoya linearis etc.,

Because of their low maintenance, these plants have become the most common varieties of Hoya plants. They don’t need special light or humidity conditions to survive. In fact, it can thrive with irregular watering.

Is Hoya Slow-Growing?

Hoyas are slow to moderate growing plants. They tend to do things their own way. You going to need patience if want to successfully cultivate and own Hoya flowers among your plant collections.

The Hoya family is a strange group of plant that relatively grow more slowly than many houseplants. They take unpredicted break and abruptly resume foliage in oddly fashion.

Hoya Cutting Not Growing

When trying to propagate Hoya plants from cuttings, there are few things you must consider. If these needs are neglected, you will see your Hoya cutting not growing.

When Hoya Cutting stopping growing, the first point of call is to check your potting soil and watering schedule, other include the level of moist, humidity around the plant and the temperature level of the plant.

Can Hoya Grow in Water

Yes, is growing Hoya in water is possible. The easiest way cultivate Hoyas in water is by taking a cut from an established plant. Water have long been used as medium to propagate some varieties of Hoya.

All you need do is take the cutting and place it in a jar or cup of water, with the leaves above the surface of the water.

However, there are measures one must adhere to for successful propagation of Hoya pant in water. Read how to revive a dying plant, especially Hoya species.***

Final Word on How to Make Hoya Grow Faster?

Hoya plants are slow to moderate growing plant when you compare them with other houseplants. They take relatively longer time before blooming.

However, to enhance the plants growth, you must put into consideration the points discussed, if you want to make your Hoya grow faster.

  • A good potting mix.
  • Proper watering habits.
  • Give it a bright indirect sunlight.
  • Keep plant in pots that are neither too small, nor too big.
  • Provide moist and humid around plant.
  • Set up an ideal temperature. Etc.


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