How Long Does It Take for Caladium Bulbs to Grow

How Long Does It Take for Caladium Bulbs to Grow?

How long does it take for Caladium bulbs to grow? If you’re new to growing caladiums, you aren’t sure how long it takes for the bulb to grow? Then you’re in the right place.

This guide will discuss the sprouting of caladium bulbs and how often to water them after they sprout. We’ll also cover where to plant caladium bulbs to grow best and what you should look out for if your caladiums have stopped growing. So, let’s get started!

How Long Does It Take for Caladium Bulbs to Grow?

How long it takes for caladium bulbs to sprout depends on your climate, soil and air temperatures. It takes between 14 days to 3 months for caladium bulbs to bud. Therefore, you should plant caladium bulbs in fall or early spring for best results.

Planting them too late in summer may not have time to sprout before winter sets in. However, in warmer climates, planting caladium bulbs in late fall will allow them to grow well into spring before they begin growing again in summer.

The Right Conditions for Planting Caladium Bulbs

The best time to plant your bulbs is from September to mid-October. The soil should be warm and moist but not wet. Adding a few inches of compost before planting will add organic matter to your ground, which will help retain moisture around your bulbs as they grow.

Here are the right conditions for caladium bulbs to grow from when you plant them until they’re ready to bloom.

The Right Season

Caladium plants are primarily outdoor plants grown in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 and 11, according to Dave’s Garden (1). But you can also grow them as houseplants; keep your Caladium inside during winter and move it outdoors during summer for optimal light exposure.

When planting bulbs for indoor use, do not treat them with insecticides before planting them in soil. Growing a new bulb indoors is an exciting process because you get to watch it develop from a dormant state into a full-grown plant.

You may notice that some of your bulbs sprout faster than others, but there is no way to tell how long until growth occurs. Because caladiums grow best when exposed to sunlight, most gardeners choose either early spring or late fall as ideal seasons for planting their bulbs indoors.

The Right Temperature

As mentioned earlier, temperature is one of your best friends when it comes to growing caladium bulbs. The ideal temperature range for planting caladiums is 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit.

If you plan on planting your bulbs in-ground, you’ll want to wait until spring arrives (or late winter for people living in southern regions). However, if you’re hoping to grow caladiums indoors, plant them anytime during warmer months.

The Right Planting Mix

When planting caladium bulbs, choose a good quality planting mix. Since caladium bulbs grow best in well-drained, sandy soil, using a planting mix designed for growing plants from bulbs will provide excellent results.

This mix also provides nutrients and water retention, so you don’t have to fertilize or water your caladiums as often. Choose a planting mix with at least 40% sand content and less than 30% organic matter (peat moss) and perlite. Avoid combinations with materials that do not drain well and lead to root rot.

The Right Humidity

Humidity can have a significant impact on how quickly your caladium bulbs grow. Too little moisture will make your bulbs shrivel, while too much moisture leads to mold build up on your plants. The ideal range for humidity is between 50% and 60%.

If you live in an area with low humidity during Caladium growing season, use room humidifiers to add extra moisture to your home. Another option is adding water trays to prevent excess moisture from building up around your pots or garden beds.

How Often to Water Caladium Bulb after Sprouting

Once your caladium bulbs have sprouted, you should water them as often as needed to keep them well-hydrated. Before watering, check to see if they are wet by inserting your finger or a stick into the soil; if it feels moist, there is no need to water.

You may also want to use a moisture gauge, like a bit of aluminium foil buried in dirt that will rust once it touches water. This can indicate whether or not your bulbs need additional water.

When Can I Plant Caladium Bulbs

When can I plant caladium bulbs can be answered by asking another question, what temperature do Caladium bulbs grow best?

Caladiums are tropical plants, and they will not sprout until air temperatures stay between 50-80 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, if you live in a climate with cold winters, it is best to wait until summer to plant your bulbs outdoors. Otherwise, wait until spring when temperatures begin to rise again.

Once you have planted your bulbs, how long it takes for caladium bulbs to grow depends on how warm their environment is. Keep them out of direct sunlight and keep them watered. They should start growing within two weeks.

Why Are My Caladium Bulbs Not Sprouting?

So, your caladium bulbs have been in for a few weeks, and nothing is happening. You wonder why your plants haven’t sprouted and fear you wasted your money on some dud bulbs. Don’t worry; here are a few reasons why that might be occurring.

1) The most common reason your caladiums won’t sprout is that they need to be warmer. They will not germinate if they are too cold. The ground temperature needs to be at least 55 degrees Fahrenheit (12 C) and ideally closer to 65 degrees F (18 C). If it’s colder than that, you should consider moving them into an indoor area where they can stay warm until spring arrives.

2) Another common issue is improper planting depth. It would be best to plant the roots of caladium bulbs about 3 inches deep to grow appropriately. But, many people don’t dig down far enough when planting their bulbs, so you see little or no growth after planting.

3) Lastly, make sure there aren’t any debris or grass offcuts covering up your bulb. That can prevent proper sunlight from reaching it and thus prevent growth.

How to Care for Caladiums after Sprouting?

Growing Caladium is similar to growing other plants: you need to make sure they have enough sunlight, water and nutrients to thrive.

However, one area where caladiums differ significantly from other varieties of plants is their growing cycle; after all, they’re not exactly known for being particularly fast growers. Fortunately, they also don’t need much care once they’ve sprouted.

Here are some tips on how to care for caladiums after they’ve sprouted:

The first thing you should do after your caladium bulb has grown is to give it plenty of sunlight, which will help it multiply. After that, you can place your bulb outside if temperatures aren’t too cold—but if temperatures are below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius), it’s best to wait until spring or summer before planting your bulb outdoors.

For Caladium in a pot, keep it indoors near a sunny window If temperatures are below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 C).

Watering Your Sprouted Caladium Bulb: While most plants require regular watering during their growing season, caladiums benefit from slightly drier soil than many other flowers and vegetables.

Ensure that your Caladium’s soil stays moist, but avoid overwatering it; doing so could cause root rot.

Fertilizing Your Caladium: You won’t need to fertilize it again until late fall or early winter after planting your bulb. Instead, you can use a high-nitrogen fertilizer at half strength every two weeks until early spring. This will ensure that your Caladium grows fast and stays healthy throughout its life.

Should I Soak Caladium Bulbs Before Planting?

Some experts recommend soaking caladium bulbs in water for a few hours before planting. According to these sources, soaking can help make up for any deficiency in calcium that might have been present when you bought your caladium bulbs.

If you choose to soak your plants, remember that these bulbs are susceptible to cold water; be sure to let them sit in cool water until they’re ready to go into your garden.

Are Caladium Bulbs Easy to Grow

Not too many plants are as easy to grow as caladium bulbs. Whether you purchase your caladium bulbs from a garden centre or plant them from seeds you’ve saved from previous crops, these beautiful plants will likely give you a strong return on your investment of time and care.

How long does it take for caladium bulbs to grow and produce flowers? Once they’re in their place, they don’t need much maintenance. If you choose to grow caladiums in containers once planted, little more work is required. While planting caladium bulbs can be done any time of year (caladiums thrive in warm weather), spring planting tends to yield better results because temperatures tend to be warmer during the spring months than fall months.

Frequently Asked Questions on How Long Does It Take for Caladium Bulbs to Grow

Can Caladium Grow in Water

Although caladium bulbs will grow well in soil, they can also be grown successfully in water. However, to ensure that they stay healthy and grow fast, it’s essential to treat them like a plant and provide them with nutrients.

Please keep reading for more information on how long does it take for caladium bulbs to grow when grown in water.

Some caladium varieties are naturally aquatic, so growing them underwater is ideal. You can place your plants directly into an aquarium or start filling up a bucket or bowl with water until it covers most of your bulbs by at least two inches. Once you’ve added your plants, add some extra gravel or sand at the bottom of your container so that your roots have something to hold.

Your caladium bulbs should begin to sprout within a few weeks. However, if you notice that your leaves are turning yellow, it might mean that your bulbs aren’t getting enough light or that there aren’t enough nutrients in your water.

To fix these issues, try placing your container near a window with plenty of sunlight coming through or adding some fertilizer tablets into your water every few days.

How to Grow Caladium Bulbs Fast?

The simplest method for growing caladium bulbs faster is to start with larger bulbs. However, smaller bulbs are more difficult to sprout and take longer to grow, so you’ll get a better value by starting with larger ones.

Buy caladium bulbs that are fresh, firm and plump. Avoid those that feel light or have soft spots—the bulb has likely started to rot. If possible, buy your bulbs from a local nursery or a reputable online nursery.

As soon as you bring home your new bulbs, remove any leaves and set them aside to use later as plant food. Then, place your bulbs in a cool (about 60 degrees Fahrenheit), dark place until it’s time to plant them outdoors in late spring or early summer.

Ideally, please place them in something like a cardboard box lined with damp paper towels, where they can stay undisturbed until planting time.

Store-bought bulbs often come packed in soil or peat moss, which you must remove before planting. Dampen some sphagnum moss and wrap each bulb individually before storing them for six months.

This will help keep them hydrated while they rest. Then, when it comes time to plant your bulbs outside, dig holes about 6 inches deep and 12 inches apart; don’t forget to water each hole well before adding soil back into it!

How Long Do Caladium Bulbs Last?

Depending on environmental conditions, most caladium bulbs can withstand a period of dormancy before germinating. Therefore, you can store them for up to six months after wrapping each bulb in damp sphagnum moss. The wrap will help keep them hydrated while they rest.

When Will My Caladium Plants Bloom

The sprouting of caladium bulbs is dependent mainly on the temperature of their growing environments. In Florida, the people Caladium plant in January and February. A few green leaves will have started to emerge from each bulb by March.

Flowering occurs in April when night temperatures remain above 65 degrees Fahrenheit and day temperatures don’t drop below 80 degrees.

Blooming will continue for about three months, depending on weather conditions and plant care. Bulbs can bloom again in late August or September.

What Kind of Soil Do I Use for Growing Caladium Plants?

If you’re growing Caladium plants indoors or in a container, use soil that drains well because Caladium needs adequate drainage to grow well. Also, their roots don’t like sitting in water for long periods. When submerged, they tend to rot and die off quickly.

Soil with plenty of organic matter will also help keep your Caladium plants healthy as it provides them with nutrients. While many different types of soil are available on the market, any good quality potting mix will work just fine for growing caladiums.

You can also add some compost to your potting mix if you want more nutrients for your plant. If you plan to plant caladium bulbs outdoors, choose a well-draining soil with lots of organic material.

The best way to check if your soil drains well is by digging a hole about 12 inches deep and filling it up with water after 30 minutes. After that, you should see all of the water drains out —if not, choose another spot!

When Should I Transplant or Move My Giant Elephant Ear Plant

The giant elephant ear plant is one of my favorite ornamental plants because it’s so easy to grow. The bulb itself is relatively low maintenance, but transplanting an elephant ear can be tricky if you don’t know what you’re doing.

I have read that some gardeners have been able to successfully transplant their caladium bulbs while they are still dormant by simply digging up around half of their original soil bed with their root system intact.

However, many people do not like moving caladium bulbs while they are still dormant because they may damage or kill the new growth that comes out during the spring planting season when it is time to move them again.

If you decide to move your elephant ear plant before it has begun growing (while it is still dormant), make sure that you dig up all of its roots. If you try to leave part of its roots behind, it will likely die due to lack of water and nutrients.


How long does it take for Caladium bulbs to grow? If you’re new to growing caladiums, then I believe that this guide may have answered many of your pressing questions.

Caladium bulbs are low maintenance; all they wanted were those simple and basic conditions that most plant needs.

For indoor Caladium, they need an area where it can get bright light, warm temperature, the right humidity level and fertilizer.

If you need any help with your Caladium plant, do not hesitate to drop it in the comment box.

Happy Gardening!!!


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